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Crazy Twilight Merchandise Fun stuff, Stuff

Autor:  Velineyvra

Beware the craziness of Twilight! And in it's wake, merchandise appears all over the place, like mushrooms after the rain.

Be warned: A lot of this cannot be un-seen. You might need brain bleach after seeing some of this, or wish to rip your eyeballs out. Alternately, you might laugh a lot at the madness of the hardcore fans who buys this crap, and the people who thought about making it in the first place.

The link: http://vampychronicles.wordpress.com/the-worst-merchandise/

Tell me what you think. Or try not to think of.

10 strange/funny ways to answer the phone Fun stuff

Autor:  Velineyvra

I've been discussing weird ways of answering the phone recently, and thought it would be fun to post a few. NOt all of these are mine, though. Thanks to those who contributed to the list :)

And don't you dare playing one of these on me xD Enjoy!


1. "Hello, guess who you have reached now!"

2. "Hello, this is [insert local pizza place here]. Do you wish to order?" [Must be said dead serious]

3. "Hi, mom! I just remembered, can you buy me [insert awkward item here]?" [Don't do this if your mom calls xD Caller ID might be a good idea]

4. "This is the emergency central, how can we be of service?" [Also dead serious]

5. "Oh, sweetheart! I knew you wouldn't abandon me!  You love me still! You didn't really break up!" [Acting skills really required. If not it's just weird.]

6. "Boo." [It's funnier than it sounds]

7. "[phrase in a language your caller does not know. Caller ID necessary]"

8.  [For salespeople, or other people with waiting music] "Sorry, can't answer right now. Just hold on a sec. [turn on music from e.g. Céline Dion]"

9. "Welcome to the cinema. [or other business]. Please press '1' to order ticket. To hear movie information, press '2'. For help, press '3'. [ACTING SKILLS. Really. This is actually very hard to make.]

10. "Sparkle!" [Or another totally unexpected word. Like 'strawberry jam'.]