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Autor:  Velineyvra
As of right now, I'll be studying psychology next year. I suppose I just really got tired of building houses after six years of redecorating non stop. I don't ever want to do anything besides painting a wall if I get my own place. 
Anyway. So right now I'm doing the stupid thing, I'm choosing subjects because I think they are interesting subjects, not because this leads to great jobs. 
But still, it all feels so right. And then I start to think about why it feels right. Though that in itself did give me an answer. It's right because so much relating to the subject is always in the back of my head, meaning I'll think about it even right then. [Then I laughed.]
I just really, really hope I'm not doing something stupid. Either way, I'll at least gain something, right? 

Argh, it's just hard, I suppose :P Deciding the future. 

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