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Einzelposting: Allgemeine Fanfic-Fragen

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Von:    _Delacroix_ 24.10.2019 15:01
Betreff: Allgemeine Fanfic-Fragen [Antworten]
> Aber es ist wirklich merkwürdig, nicht?
Das ist es auf alle Fälle.
Ich hab heute noch mal mit der Schreifalter-Test-Fanfic herumexperimentiert. Und bin dabei zu folgendem Ergebnis gekommen:
Wenn ich das hier eingebe:
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way. When she reached the first hills of the

Block Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then

Wird "Italic Mountains, she had a last view back on the skyline of her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline of Alphabet Village and the subline of her own road, the Line Lane. Pityful a rethoric question ran over her cheek, then" tatsächlich in Block-Schrift ausgegeben. 
Versuche ich es mit einem Text, der mehrere Absätze beinhaltet, wie:
Block Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet oat cake toffee pudding. Jelly beans cake brownie cake. Soufflé muffin chocolate bar gummies. Lemon drops candy canes halvah brownie candy canes toffee. Sugar plum cupcake sesame snaps donut. Cupcake caramels soufflé bear claw chocolate macaroon cotton candy. Chocolate pudding gummies pastry muffin pastry lemon drops. Bear claw sugar plum jelly chupa chups cake jelly carrot cake dragée. Tart sesame snaps lollipop sweet roll macaroon. Fruitcake cheesecake bear claw. Biscuit sugar plum macaroon. Bear claw topping tart carrot cake biscuit tootsie roll liquorice chupa chups. Cookie fruitcake candy powder chocolate carrot cake candy biscuit halvah. Chocolate cake liquorice macaroon biscuit fruitcake cookie.  /

Lemon drops sweet chupa chups jujubes fruitcake chocolate halvah pudding biscuit. Jujubes carrot cake candy canes wafer croissant powder. Bear claw cheesecake macaroon danish tiramisu. Oat cake muffin dragée soufflé candy candy canes lollipop lollipop gummies. Cupcake cotton candy brownie icing. Jujubes carrot cake pie chocolate bar chocolate cake topping brownie. Muffin danish lollipop marshmallow sesame snaps. Powder cake fruitcake candy jelly beans lemon drops. Tiramisu cake ice cream tootsie roll donut liquorice powder pudding. Candy bear claw liquorice topping chupa chups cupcake jelly chocolate cake biscuit. Chupa chups bonbon cupcake danish chocolate cake chocolate bar. Cookie bonbon dessert candy fruitcake cake.

Topping dessert cupcake lollipop oat cake dragée croissant. Gummi bears caramels brownie soufflé gingerbread pie macaroon cake topping. Tiramisu macaroon tootsie roll donut sweet fruitcake croissant bear claw. Wafer dragée cupcake lemon drops candy canes caramels. Sweet marshmallow brownie. Powder pudding caramels candy canes chocolate bar. Jujubes chocolate cake candy canes jelly beans wafer. Brownie croissant caramels chocolate marzipan cupcake tart cake. Candy canes dessert bear claw wafer wafer sesame snaps jujubes. Tootsie roll sweet cotton candy. Candy halvah pastry danish pie oat cake jelly beans. Cupcake toffee liquorice lemon drops chocolate cake tart. Bear claw brownie cookie jelly cake cheesecake marshmallow. Sweet candy apple pie powder marshmallow jujubes soufflé apple pie cake.

Dessert cheesecake gingerbread cupcake caramels jelly beans. Marzipan carrot cake dragée. Sweet jujubes candy tootsie roll tootsie roll bear claw sugar plum. Cotton candy danish chocolate cake pie croissant. Apple pie marzipan dragée. Muffin sweet bonbon jujubes. Chocolate cake candy canes marzipan macaroon oat cake cookie. Croissant pudding cake. Wafer pastry powder cotton candy cookie sesame snaps sweet roll pudding chocolate cake. Tootsie roll powder ice cream wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Pastry tiramisu marshmallow halvah. Macaroon halvah donut chocolate soufflé fruitcake cake.

Dessert pie sweet. Sesame snaps jelly tiramisu cheesecake gummi bears fruitcake apple pie cotton candy cake. Tiramisu dessert bear claw gummi bears bear claw sugar plum sweet roll. Candy candy jelly dessert apple pie tart. Ice cream chocolate cake powder pudding fruitcake sweet macaroon. Jelly-o apple pie biscuit tart fruitcake dessert. Donut donut bonbon bear claw. Dragée chocolate cake bear claw gummies cupcake cookie. Soufflé biscuit donut toffee ice cream. Apple pie icing bear claw dragée candy canes danish pastry candy canes. Apple pie marzipan wafer tiramisu gummies. Soufflé apple pie ice cream bear claw jelly lemon drops macaroon. Dragée pie gummies jelly beans sweet roll cake dessert.

Wird nur der erste Absatz in Blockschrift angezeigt. Also in diesem Fall:

"Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet oat cake toffee pudding. Jelly beans cake brownie cake. Soufflé muffin chocolate bar gummies. Lemon drops candy canes halvah brownie candy canes toffee. Sugar plum cupcake sesame snaps donut. Cupcake caramels soufflé bear claw chocolate macaroon cotton candy. Chocolate pudding gummies pastry muffin pastry lemon drops. Bear claw sugar plum jelly chupa chups cake jelly carrot cake dragée. Tart sesame snaps lollipop sweet roll macaroon. Fruitcake cheesecake bear claw. Biscuit sugar plum macaroon. Bear claw topping tart carrot cake biscuit tootsie roll liquorice chupa chups. Cookie fruitcake candy powder chocolate carrot cake candy biscuit halvah. Chocolate cake liquorice macaroon biscuit fruitcake cookie."
Wenn ich den ganzen Text in Blockschrift haben will, muss ich den Befehl tatsächlich vor jedem Absatz wiederholen und am Ende des jeweiligen Absatzes auch beenden. Also um alles in Blockschrift zu kriegen, muss die Eingabe bei mir so aussehen:
Block Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet oat cake toffee pudding. Jelly beans cake brownie cake. Soufflé muffin chocolate bar gummies. Lemon drops candy canes halvah brownie candy canes toffee. Sugar plum cupcake sesame snaps donut. Cupcake caramels soufflé bear claw chocolate macaroon cotton candy. Chocolate pudding gummies pastry muffin pastry lemon drops. Bear claw sugar plum jelly chupa chups cake jelly carrot cake dragée. Tart sesame snaps lollipop sweet roll macaroon. Fruitcake cheesecake bear claw. Biscuit sugar plum macaroon. Bear claw topping tart carrot cake biscuit tootsie roll liquorice chupa chups. Cookie fruitcake candy powder chocolate carrot cake candy biscuit halvah. Chocolate cake liquorice macaroon biscuit fruitcake cookie./Block

Block Lemon drops sweet chupa chups jujubes fruitcake chocolate halvah pudding biscuit. Jujubes carrot cake candy canes wafer croissant powder. Bear claw cheesecake macaroon danish tiramisu. Oat cake muffin dragée soufflé candy candy canes lollipop lollipop gummies. Cupcake cotton candy brownie icing. Jujubes carrot cake pie chocolate bar chocolate cake topping brownie. Muffin danish lollipop marshmallow sesame snaps. Powder cake fruitcake candy jelly beans lemon drops. Tiramisu cake ice cream tootsie roll donut liquorice powder pudding. Candy bear claw liquorice topping chupa chups cupcake jelly chocolate cake biscuit. Chupa chups bonbon cupcake danish chocolate cake chocolate bar. Cookie bonbon dessert candy fruitcake cake./Block

Block Topping dessert cupcake lollipop oat cake dragée croissant. Gummi bears caramels brownie soufflé gingerbread pie macaroon cake topping. Tiramisu macaroon tootsie roll donut sweet fruitcake croissant bear claw. Wafer dragée cupcake lemon drops candy canes caramels. Sweet marshmallow brownie. Powder pudding caramels candy canes chocolate bar. Jujubes chocolate cake candy canes jelly beans wafer. Brownie croissant caramels chocolate marzipan cupcake tart cake. Candy canes dessert bear claw wafer wafer sesame snaps jujubes. Tootsie roll sweet cotton candy. Candy halvah pastry danish pie oat cake jelly beans. Cupcake toffee liquorice lemon drops chocolate cake tart. Bear claw brownie cookie jelly cake cheesecake marshmallow. Sweet candy apple pie powder marshmallow jujubes soufflé apple pie cake./Block

Block Dessert cheesecake gingerbread cupcake caramels jelly beans. Marzipan carrot cake dragée. Sweet jujubes candy tootsie roll tootsie roll bear claw sugar plum. Cotton candy danish chocolate cake pie croissant. Apple pie marzipan dragée. Muffin sweet bonbon jujubes. Chocolate cake candy canes marzipan macaroon oat cake cookie. Croissant pudding cake. Wafer pastry powder cotton candy cookie sesame snaps sweet roll pudding chocolate cake. Tootsie roll powder ice cream wafer chocolate chocolate cake. Pastry tiramisu marshmallow halvah. Macaroon halvah donut chocolate soufflé fruitcake cake./Block

Block Dessert pie sweet. Sesame snaps jelly tiramisu cheesecake gummi bears fruitcake apple pie cotton candy cake. Tiramisu dessert bear claw gummi bears bear claw sugar plum sweet roll. Candy candy jelly dessert apple pie tart. Ice cream chocolate cake powder pudding fruitcake sweet macaroon. Jelly-o apple pie biscuit tart fruitcake dessert. Donut donut bonbon bear claw. Dragée chocolate cake bear claw gummies cupcake cookie. Soufflé biscuit donut toffee ice cream. Apple pie icing bear claw dragée candy canes danish pastry candy canes. Apple pie marzipan wafer tiramisu gummies. Soufflé apple pie ice cream bear claw jelly lemon drops macaroon. Dragée pie gummies jelly beans sweet roll cake dessert. /Block

Ob das so gewollt ist oder nicht, kann ich leider nicht sagen. Ich werde es mal in die Technik geben, aber mir scheint es, als hinge das Ganze wirklich mit den Absätzen im Text zusammen.
"No, I don't like it... I love it!"
Zuletzt geändert: 24.10.2019 15:21:03

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