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dream high

Autor:  Sunrise


There are two kinds of happiness in the world. One is a happiness that you realize after the fact. The other is a happiness that you feel in the moment. The happiness in the moment is so rare that they say you can live your whole life on the light that shines from remembering it. I think we’ll go on remembering this moment, today, like that kind of happiness… that we can remember for the rest of our lives, the moment when we shined.
— Dream High

Autor:  Sunrise

"You still have a long way to go until your time's up, so don’t be discouraged that things are not progressing quickly: if you go slowly, there’s more you can learn along the way than someone who goes faster than you. If you were to ask me who wins between the two, I’d say the one who goes slowly but experiences more."

teaching is going to be fun.

Autor:  Sunrise

definitely looking forward to it..

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