Senseless von Leya ================================================================================ Kapitel 18: ------------ Disclaimer: Not mine. Dieses Kapitel ist für Lawrence-san, Faint und Chara die mir so liebe Kommentare geschrieben haben. *alle mal fest umknuddelt* Ich hoffe, das Kapitel gefällt euch. -*-*- Senseless 18 -*-*- /Hikari?/ Impossible. /What do you mean, Hikari?/ It couldn't be. /Dark! For heaven's sake talk to me! What happened to him?!/ Daisuke's desperate question seemed to bring Dark back to reality. He sighed and reached out to touch the boy but Satoshi quickly stepped back and placed the pendant back under his shirt. "Are you surprised, Dark? I can imagine that. But as you can see, I have finally found to my true self and no-one will take that away form me. Not even you. " /I don't understand. What is he talking about?/ Daisuke felt like crying, because no-one seemed to listen to his pleas. Finally the thief took pity on him. //The amulet he's wearing has been created by Hikari. After Krad had been tied to the old man, Hikari was afraid that maybe some day one his descendants would turn out to be too weak to control Krad. In order to prevent this, Hikari created this amulet. It robs the bearer of every positive feeling. No compassion, no remorse, no conscience. Emotionless and cruel, that's everything Satoshi's allowed to be at the moment.// /But there must be a way to help him!/ //I thought, the amulet was lost long ago. Where did he find it?// Again Dark stretched out his hand and this time Satoshi retreated to the bed. "Have you initiated Daisuke into our little secret?" For long seconds he looked down on Krad and Dark tried to find in his eyes a sign of compassion or pity, but there was nothing. Nothing except coldness and hate. "Then it's time to end it." He let his hand glide almost tenderly over the cheek of the demon and finally closed his fingers around his neck. "No!" Dark cried out and pulled Satoshi back. With the same movement, he turned him around and pulled him into an embrace, pressing his lips against Satoshi's. The boy seemed to melt into his arms, but when Dark tried to open the chain around his neck, Satoshi rammed his knee with full force into the thief's abdomen. Coughing Dark broke into his knees. Tears were veiling his gaze, as he looked at the boy. But Satoshi ignored him. Slowly the boy joined Krad on the bed, his fingers running gently through the hair of the demon, toying with the soft strands. As Krad looked at him, he bent down and asked quietly: "Tell me, Krad. Do you love him?" "I..." Krad sought in Satoshi's eyes for a sign, for something, that would tell him which answer the boy wanted to hear, but there was nothing. Only coldness and indifference and hate... so much hate... Krad lowered his gaze. "Answer me!" Satoshi dug his fingers into Krad's hair and forced him to turn his head. " Tell me the truth, Krad? Do you want him?" The answer of the demon was so quiet that Satoshi had to strain his ears in order to hear it. To be honest, he actually hadn't expected anything else. "I've always loved him..." "Did you hear it, Dark? He loves you!" Satoshi smiled and slapped Krad hard across the face. A thin trail of blood ran from the demons lips. The boy grimaced and wiped off the blood at the bed sheet. "Why did you lie to me, Krad? You told me, I were your everything! Liar! You have only used me in order to realise your warped idea of love. However... we are not finished, dear." He turned over to the thief, who had recovered just enough to stand up. "You want me to let him go?" "Yes! I would do everything!" "Really?!" asked Satoshi with a velvety voice and an icy shiver ran over the thief's back. Maybe, he should have been more careful with his remarks? But it was too late to take them back. "Take him for me." Dark blinked several times, not sure if he heard right. Satoshi seemed to wait for an answer so he asked in a low voice: "Pardon?" "Are you hard of hearing?" mocked the boy and grinned devilishly. "I said take him. Here. Now. He's too weak to fight you off and I want to see his eyes when he realises that you've used him again. And then I want you to tell him that you've never loved him." "Why?!" Dark desperately tried to understand what was going on in Satoshi's mind but somehow he failed miserably. Satoshi was a wonderful person. He was kind and caring and full of compassion. Normally. But now he was someone else. Someone, Dark had never seen before and to be honest the change frightened him. "Because I want to break him just like he broke me." The thief stared into the cold blue eyes of the boy he loved and suddenly he knew what he had to do. Carefully he approached the boy and placed himself between Krad and his host. "I love you." Satoshi snorted. "And that's the reason you had to fuck Krad?" "Yes." This time it was Satoshi who stared unbelievingly at the thief. He tried to say something but failed miserably. Dark smiled. "I know it's hard to understand but I love you both and I'm not sure if I'm able to choose one over the other." "What are you playing at?" The boy hissed and narrowed his eyes dangerously but deep in his those dark blue orbs the thief saw how confused he actually was. When Dark took a step nearer he retreated quickly. Nonetheless Dark followed him. "And I thought you were a genius!" Now the thief was the one who was in control and he knew it. "I suggest you take Krad back into your body and then I can have you both... what do you think? Wouldn't it be nice?" /Dark! Are you insane?/ Daisuke yelled at the top of his lungs, but his alter ego only smiled and licked his lips in anticipation, what seemed to confuse the boy even more. //I know what I'm doing. I'm trying to distract him. Now stop bickering and shut up.// Dark took hold of Satoshi's hand and lifted it to his lips. "You and Krad are both so beautiful. I can't choose....." He dragged Satoshi into his arms and tightened his grip around the slim waist of the boy. "...and I don't want to choose." Satoshi tried to say something but Dark leaned in and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. The next moment Satoshi collapsed into the thief's arms. /What happened?/ Carefully the thief lowered the boy to the ground and opened the chain around his neck. The silvery pendant glittered harmlessly and seductively but Dark paid no attention. He slipped it into his pocket and rushed to the bed where he opened the handcuffs which still chained the hands of the demon to the headboard. Krad was unconscious again and Dark realised that it was almost too late. Quickly he gathered the demon into his arms and placed him next to Satoshi on the floor. "Krad? Can you hear me?" Dark nearly panicked when the other one didn't react. He stroked the soft cheek of the demon with tender movements and tried to lend him some of his own strength. "Come on. Open your eyes. Please try it." In a far away corner of his mind the demon struggled to follow the soft command whispered into his ear but somehow his body wasn't able to obey. "Krad, please! Just try it!" More desperate this time and suddenly he was able to see. He blinked several times and finally he recognised the face lingering above him. "Dark...?" Dark closed his eyes in relief. He felt like crying but there was no time for something useless like that. Krad needed help. Badly. And there was only one place where the demon was able to heal. "Krad? Can you sit up?" The thief placed his arm around his shoulders and dragged him into a sitting position. Krad coughed and a thin trail of blood dripped down his chin. "You need to go back. Into Satoshi's mind. Where you belong." "No..." Pain-filled eyes looked at him and a desperate hand clutched into his clothes. "I can't go back. He'll hurt me again." "But you have to. You cannot exist outside his mind." Dark caressed his face and wiped away the blood. "You've been separated for too long, Krad. When you're not back inside his mind as soon as possible it's over. I can feel it. Your fading away." A sad smile curled the lips of the demon and the fatalism burning in the vulnerable golden eyes in front of him shocked him to no end. Even before he heard the demon's answer he knew what he would tell him. "It's better this way, Dark. I'm not worth to live. I've realised it... Satoshi was right. I'm nothing more than a curse, a parasite. When I'm out of the way you and Satoshi can be happy together." "You're pathetic. They can live without us but we're not able to live without them." Dark grabbed the demon by his shoulders and shook him so hard that the other one whimpered in pain. "I can't let you die, Krad. I've failed you once but it won't happen again. Never." "You're a fool." The thief grinned and released his opposite carefully. "Maybe. And now stop complaining and go." Krad hesitated. His gaze wandered over to Satoshi who was still out cold, then back to Dark, who gave a reassuring smile and finally he surrendered to the sheer need to find a place to heal. He touched Satoshi's forehead and vanished. Dark heaved a breath of relief and sat back on his heels. /And now?/ //Now we have to wait. All we can do is wait.// /Will they be okay?/ //I don't know. They both are hurt and it will take a long time for them to heal.// The thief stroked over Satoshi's hair and sighed. //Only time will show if there's further damage we don't know about yet.// Daisuke sighed as well and looked at Satoshi's pale face. /I hope he'll back to his normal self when he wakes up./ //He will. And that's the problem. When he realises what he has done it will be a shock. Satoshi isn't the kind of person who tortures another living being without the slightest bit of remorse. It might be too much for him to bear.// The red-haired boy waited breathlessly for the thief to finish and when he continued, the finality he could hear in Dark's voice send a cold shiver down his spine. //I fear it will break him.// tbc Hosted by Animexx e.V. (