Under the Christmas Tree in NY von DarkRapsody ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: ----------- Christmas is four days away, and Arturia is outside again working her butt off in the cold. The snow has fallen last night, it´s freezing and the stupid possessed snowman roam on one of the bigger plazas in NY. Arturia alone was sent to take care of it, since they are not really strong but coming in masses. An easy job for Excalibur. The huge light beam eradicates every enemy presence in the era. Relieved, she lets her sword vanish and looks at the chaos this ruckus has caused. Soon the cleanup crew will work their magic and everyone can continue to do their last minute panic shopping. Merlin said he would stop by tomorrow, so maybe Arturia should clean her flat, she thinks to themselves. Another one of his long speeches about “your mental stability is partially influenced by your room being clean!” is something she can absolutely live without. The same again, reporting the mission back, grabbing a few bucks and off home. It's getting late again. Deepend into reading a novel on her phone she walks home, it's not too far away. But today something else surprises her. Someone is standing in front of her flat. A big blue jacket and the hood is hiding their face. Hasn't she seen this long hair somewhere before? “Uhhm….” She approaches them slowly. “Oh, wonderful!” suddenly the person turns around. The beautiful symmetrical face out of another world, the small smile, yeah. That in front of her is Enkidu, Gilgamesh his best friend. “What are you doing here?” hesitant she walks a step back. “That is a long story, but will you listen me out?” they ask her, the red cheeks and light skin are in contrast to each other. If he was not well, a clay man made from the gods he would have been a choice for her probably. “Alright, come in.” Arturia opens the door and cleans her shoes. “Take them off and leave them in the entrance.” she tells Enkidu and throws her winter jacket off. In the kitchen she warms up a tea and puts the cup in front of him. Enkidu takes a sip and smiles lightly. “A good choice for a tea.” Arturia taps with her foot, a bit nervous and impatient. “What are you doing here?” He is Gilgamesh, his best friend, so being around him makes her feel somewhat uncomfortable. And his entire godly air, it´s different from Gil his but still intimidating. Enkidu looks up, his beautiful green hair falls in his face. “I have something to ask of you. My best friend you see.... he seems to be emotionally unhappy about what happened and I can't stand being around him knowing he still has feelings for you and not at all processed that you ditched him.” Too straightforward, but the truth stings in her heart. “Please go on a date with him on Christmas Eve and talk about it!” Clay even got up and clapped his hands, praying towards her to listen. Arturia just crossed over her arms, still having a bit of nervous face on. “You want to be his wingman and fix our relationship. Didn't expect that.” she then answers. Enkidu empties the cup and gets back his composure. “Yes. And I am sure you will listen and still have somewhere inside you some love left for him.” That's quite a bold assumption you're making here!” “I know, but please! I just want you to be happy and not force you to mend your relationship. Just think it over, have a talk and then hopefully be a bit more at peace with each other.” he explains calmly. The blonde woman sits down and started to think about his proposure a bit. “Okay, i do it. But you tell him.” she answers after a few minutes passed. Enkidu jumps up out of joy. “Thanks, i will do that! I pray for you to come to terms.” “He hasn't started dating Ishtar'' The lady akss out of nowhere. Enkidu is a bit taken back, but then shrugs his shoulders. “ She is terrible and obnoxious in the most terrible way sometimes. Gilgamesh still has feelings for you, so he rejected all of her advances.” That is quite peculiar. Maybe there is still hope. “Good, tell him we meet up at 5 PM in front of Vincis, and we are going to eat something together. That's it.” The young man nods, and types something to one of his contacts. “Can´t thank you enough for it, you know. Being around a depressed Gil can sometimes be really tiring, but you should know that best too.” Arturia chuckles and thinks about the moments he would come to her, all sad like a puppy and behave when she would put on a more serious face and not her calm demeanour. Actually it was pretty cute and refreshing. Enkidu stays for a while, they chat a bit more about how work is going for her and what he has been doing the past year. When they said their goodbyes, the anxiety comes in like a huge wave down on her. She said damn yes to a date, a goddamn date with her ex fiance? “Ah fuck…” she mutters to herselves. But as Bradamante already told her, mending it would be something she could try and maybe re-discover her feelings. What should she wear? And where are they going to eat? Is he going to pay? The thoughts swirled around, but one by one she sorted out the matter. Don't look too fancy, but happy and chic. There's a restaurant in the more pricey category they have been to on their third date too. The young woman clenches her first as if she is preparing for a fight. Ready or not, just four days to go. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)