pretend. von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- When the darkest nights become quiet and motionless, you're just sitting there with a blurred view from your eyes being tired. As your fingers touch the keys, you don't really think of what to type - at least you tried. You laughed about yourself, quietly, so no one would wake up. Comforting your friends isn't always easy, especially, if they only know that one side of you. Those never twitching corners of your mouth, the never moved shades and that perfect hair style. EB: and I don't really know what to do anymore. You bite your lip and take off your shades, right before you bury your hands in your hair. Failure isn't an option, but it's what you do anyway. Tears were brought to your eyes, as you realized, that you fail most of the time. You don't want to fail as a friend, too. You feel the corners of your mouth twitch and you crack a smile, as if he could see you being sad and you didn't want him to. You wanted to be strong. TG: i am here You felt tears running down your cheek, as you quickly washed them away, put your shades back on and style your hair. With a deep breath you think about, that you really weren't a good friend. EB: i'm so sorry I fell in love with you. EB: dave? EB: dave, why don't you write back? EB: i guess you're just very busy then… thank you for listening to me, anyway. Shaking, you answered. Even though, you loved him in return, you couldn't say anything. You wouldn't be good enough for him either way. TG: i need to go to bed EB: oh… well, sleep tight, then. TG: thanks EB: i guess we will just pretend that this had never happened, right? Hosted by Animexx e.V. (