Transformations von chelle76 ================================================================================ Kapitel 13: Calvary Command --------------------------- Transformations… Chapter 13: Calvary Command Saber sits up and looks around. A bit of light is making it's way into the room from the tiny window above his bed illuminating the room just enough for him to make out shapes. He looks around and sighs, looking at the clock. “1:30 AM.” He groans and flops backwards onto his bed. After laying there a while he gives up on getting more sleep and gets up and dresses, then quietly heads out of his room, through the common area and towards the door. “You're up really early.” A familiar voice states from the darkness. Saber turns and sighs. “Look who's talking.” He replies back, a bit agitated. The figure stands up from his chair and walks towards Saber. “I couldn't sleep. So I came out here.” “I was going to go and ride. You want to join me?” Saber asks. He nods. “If you don't mind, I'd like to.” Saber nods. “I'll take the Suit; you take your Lion, for now.” The figure nods. “Perhaps once we're away from anything with people, I could let you try the suit.” He adds with a smirk, “If you're up to it.” Lance smiles. “Let's go.” They head out the door and a short time later, they arrive a good distance from the base. They both land and meet on the ground. “You think you're ready for this?” Lance nods. “I've been dying to try it since you showed up with it.” Saber laughs. “I'll warn you. It's rather complex, a bit different from your Lion.” Lance shrugs. “I'm sure if you can do it, I can.” Saber smirks. “Just don't damage it, or yourself, okay?” “Sure. Are you going up in the Lion?” Lance asks. Saber nods. “I think I'd be safer in it than on the ground.” “Funny.” Lance tosses him the key to Red Lion and heads to get into the suit. “This should be easy.” “So you know, I put it in training mode, so you don't accidentally blow something up.” Saber says wryly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Lance retorts as he gets into the suit and Saber climbs into Red Lion and they take to the air. Lance is quite unsteady at first. “How the Hell did you make this look easy?” He says as he starts hitting buttons, trying to get the suit to steady. Saber laughs. “Not as easy as you thought, eh?” Lance continues messing with random buttons. Saber finally sighs and starts walking him through how to steady the suit. “Take the main control stick and pull back a bit, like you would with the Lion.” He does so. “Okay, now, just hit the two buttons to the left, that should give you control using the stick.” Lance follows the directions and the suit starts responding better. “Good, now practice moving around until you get it.” “How long did it take you to figure this out?” Lance asks. “There are so many different buttons and modes that it makes my head spin.” “A minute or two I think.” Saber replies honestly. “That includes unlocking the training mode and reading the tutorials on the weapons and such as well.” “Huh?” Lance replies. “You unlocked it you mean, in a matter of minutes?” Saber shakes his head. “No, I unlocked and did the tutorials in a matter of minutes.” “Damn! No wonder you didn't have trouble with my Lion.” Lance replies. They practice for a bit, and Lance becomes more steady and confident in the suit. “Do you want to try and dodge a few attacks?” Saber asks. “Aren't you afraid of damaging the suit?” Lance asks. “Not really.” Saber replies. “Sure. Bring it on.” Lance retorts confidently. Saber smiles, “If you insist.” He fires the tail laser at Lance, hitting him squarely in the chest, causing him to drop quickly, but he manages to right himself before hitting the ground. “Damn!” Lance swears under his breath. “Try moving when I fire at you.” Saber says dryly. “Gee, you think?” Lance replies sarcastically. They spar for a bit before landing on the ground. Lance meets Saber in front of the suit. “I think for now, I'll stick to the Lion. But you have to let me try that once in a while. I might actually get better at it.” Saber nods as he tosses him the key to Red Lion, “You'll get better. I don't think you did too badly for not having a clue of how it works. I should have let you read the tutorials first. But the others didn't have that luxury, so I thought I'd put you to their level that way.” “How were you able to unlock that system so quickly?” Lance asks impressed. Saber shrugs. “I'm not really sure. I'm just sort of...lucky, I guess with computers.” Lance nods; not sure he's getting the whole truth, but doesn't push it. “So, why were you up so early?” “I couldn't sleep.” Saber replies quietly. Lance nods. “I'm not good at sleeping in strange places, especially sharing a room with Hothead and Shorty. They both snore something fierce.” Saber laughs. “I wish I had that as an excuse.” His smile quickly fades and he gets quiet. Lance notices and nods, “I can only imagine what it must be like.” He says quietly. “I don't know how you manage to do as well as you do. I don't think I could hold it together like you have.” “It's not easy.” Saber says quietly. Lance nods. “Come on, let's get back. We've been gone a couple of hours. I wonder if anyone has noticed our absence.” “And if they have?” Saber asks as he heads to his suit and takes off. Lance gets into his Lion and takes off. “Then we tell them we went to a bar and had a few drinks. I bet we get some looks then.” Saber laughs. “Yeah I can imagine the looks now. We'd be under constant guard after that.” “Seriously, what should we tell them if anyone asks what we've been up to?” Lance asks. “The truth, we couldn't sleep, so we went out for a bit.” Saber replies as he enters the hangar and sets down. Lance nods as he sets down in the Red Lion. “I suppose no one will think anything of it. Pretty much everyone knows you haven't slept much, and well, I have a rep as doing what I want, not caring what others think.” Saber chuckles. “And yet, you were picking on me?” He shakes his head amused. They head back to the sleeping area, entering the common area quietly, only to find Fala, Keith, and Commander Eagle sitting up waiting for them. “Good morning.” Saber says as if nothing is amiss. “Been up long?” Keith asks sarcastically, looking towards Lance. “You try sleeping with two loud snoring guys in the same room.” Lance retorts, causing Keith to blush slightly. “Saber, are you feeling any better than yesterday?” Commander Eagle asks. “I got a couple of hours of sleep, Sir.” He replies not fully answering the question. Commander Eagle sighs, but doesn't press the matter. “Well, I came to let you know that so far, we have not spotted any enemy ships in the area. I noticed that you were out in your suit and then I spotted Red Lion, so I figured the two of you had gone off.” Saber nods. “I wanted more practice time in the suit. I figured I'd make use of the time others were sleeping to practice, since I couldn't sleep.” Fala looks at him sympathetically. “You really should try and sleep more. Not sleeping can catch up to you.” “I appreciate your concern, Your Highness. I am sleeping more than I was a few months ago. I'm sure with time I'll be able to get more sleep.” Saber replies. Fala nods, “I hope so.” Slowly, everyone starts waking and joining them in the common area. “Good Morning, everyone,” April says as she comes into the common area. “Morning,” Several others reply in unison. She looks around and spots her father, and goes over and sits beside him. “So, any news we should know about?” Commander Eagle shakes his head. “For once, I'm glad to have nothing to report.” She nods in agreement. “Perhaps that will allow all of you time to become more acclimated to your suits.” April nods. “Yeah, I know that I can use some practice. I'm sure the guys can use it too.” She sees Saber coming out of the kitchen area carrying a cup of something. “How are you doing this morning, Saber?” “I'm all right.” Saber replies, sipping his drink. “You?” “I'm good. Did you manage to sleep at all? You look a bit tired still.” She asks concerned. “I slept. Not as much as I should, but that's almost a habit now.” He replies quietly. He looks around the room, and walks over to Commander Eagle. “I think since you said there is no sign of enemy activity, I'm going to try and rest for a bit, if that is okay, Sir.” Commander Eagle studies him for a moment and nods. “I think that's a good idea. Try and rest while you can.” Saber nods. “I have so much going through my head right now; it's hard to concentrate so I thought resting might be a good idea, if I can get my mind to shut down for a bit.” Saber turns and heads back to his quarters. “Is he all right, Commander Eagle?” Fala asks concerned after Saber leaves. Commander Eagle shakes his head, “I'm not entirely sure, Your Highness. I think he will be, but I'm not sure how long that will take.” “It's like he improves a little, and then relapses. He seems a bit more withdrawn than he has been of late,” Fala says sounding concerned. “He's just feeling overwhelmed. He's been through a lot, and then having to go home for that ceremony, didn't seem to help matters.” The commander replies before turning to speak to Colt, “I take it you left Robin and Josh at Saber's Family Estate?” Colt nods, “Given the situation here, I think they are safer there.” “I think that is a true statement. I am hoping we can put an end to this quickly. We need to focus on rebuilding the base here, but all of you need to practice adapting to the new Bismarck and how it works.” Commander Eagle replies. “It's a rather remarkable unit, Sir. But we do need to practice a bit. But, I worry that if the enemy is watching us; couldn't they see the suits and gage the weaknesses we have with them if we practice too much?” Colt asks. Commander Eagle nods. “That is a possibility, Mr. Wilcox. But, it's a chance where I think the benefits would outweigh the risks.” “He's right Colt. We need the practice. We need to become as familiar with the controls as we were in the other Bismarck unit.” April adds. Fireball comes into the room and stands behind April, “She’s right, Colt.” He looks around the room, “Where’s Saber?” “He went to rest. He’s been up quite a while, so when I told him there was no sign of the enemy, he decided to try and rest for a while.” Commander Eagle replies. “Ah.” Fireball says, “That’ll make it a bit hard to practice the combination phases.” “I’m sure you can practice maneuvers and such without him.” Commander Eagle says, “If he says he wants to rest, then we certainly should let him.” “Yeah, it’s not like he admits that he needs a break that often.” April adds. “Um, I could go up in his suit.” Lance suggests hesitantly. Everyone turns and looks to him a bit shocked. “Well, he let me try it for a little this morning.” He adds quickly. April recovers from her shock, “That might not be a bad idea. It would give us some practice. And Saber could still get a break.” She looks to Fireball. “What do you think?” He thinks for a few minutes before answering, “I think we should get Saber’s permission before letting someone else into his suit. Even if you were in it this morning, it would be better to have his permission first.” Commander Eagle nods. “I’ll go and ask him.” He gets up and heads to Saber’s room, knocking on the door. Saber hears the knock and sighs. “Come in.” He responds irritably. Commander Eagle enters the room and closes the door behind him. He sees Saber lying on his bed, not bothering to sit up. “Are you all right?” “I was almost asleep.” He replies gruffly. He sighs and sits up once he realizes who has entered his room. “What do you need, Sir?” “Well, I was coming to see if you would allow Lance of the GoLion team to use your suit, so the others could practice. He mentioned that he piloted the suit some this morning while the two of you were…out.” He replies hesitantly. Saber runs his hands across his face, trying to wake up a bit. “I don’t see the harm in it. I let him this morning, in the training mode. That way, he couldn’t blow something up by accident.” The Commander nods. “I suppose I should go and set it for training mode. I don’t believe it is right now. I think I just have it locked, so that no one else could activate it.” He sighs. “Either way, I need to get up again.” He turns and gets up off the bed. “Let’s go, Sir.” He heads towards the door, the Commander just ahead of him. “You can come back after they take off, Saber. I know you need to rest.” Commander Eagle says as they head to the common room. Saber nods slightly, “I may try, Sir. I think I’m starting to feel the effects of the lack of sleep lately. I don’t want it to affect my actions when I’m needed.” The Commander nods. “I told you that I would tell you if I started feeling like it was too much…I fear that I’m getting near that point right now. Though I’m sure it’s just fatigue.” The Commander nods, looking a bit concerned. “I’m glad you’re admitting that you feel that way, Saber. I’ll do my best to make sure you get some rest.” They come out to the common room and the others look up as they enter, several notice how tired Saber looks, but don’t say anything. Saber looks to Lance, “Come on. I’ll unlock the suit and set it in training mode for you.” Lance nods and Saber smirks slightly, “This time, I’ll let you access the tutorials too.” “Thanks.” Lance adds dryly, “How considerate of you, Captain.” Saber turns and heads to the bunker. Going over to his suit, he climbs in and unlocks it, setting it for the training mode. “There. I set it to allow access to the tutorials and low-grade firing capability. Try not to damage it.” He climbs out and turns to the Commander, “Anything else, Sir?” the fatigue obvious in his voice. Commander Eagle shakes his head. “Not for now, Captain. Go and get some rest.” Saber nods and heads back towards the quarters, Commander Eagle watches him closely. “He’s not well, Commander.” Fala states as she watches him leave. “Something is really bothering him.” The Commander nods in agreement. “Should someone go and try and talk to him?” She asks. “I’m not sure. He may just be overwhelmed by all the new changes and his personal situation. Maybe going home wasn’t in his best interest after all.” Commander Eagle replies with a sigh. “I was hoping the ceremony and familiar scenery would help with closure, but it seems that it may have had the opposite effect.” “I’m not sure it was going home that made him…relapse, Sir.” Fala says as she turns back to where the Mobile Suits had been a few minutes before. Commander Eagle looks to her with interest. “I think it had to do with something on Orb, or perhaps specifically with his Mobile Suit. He actually seemed okay when we were there, even after talking with his fiancé’s Mother.” Commander Eagle looks over to her surprised. “He spoke with Sincia’s mother?” Fala nods. “Yes. She came over to him at the ceremony. She seemed glad to see him. He seemed relieved of that, actually. They didn’t speak any more after that, as far as I know of.” Commander Eagle nods, processing the information. “So you seem confident that it was something to do with Orb?” Fala nods. “Or the Suit itself perhaps… He has seemed a bit more distant since they got the suits.” The Commander sighs. “It’s rather complicated, Your Highness.” She looks over with interest. “How so?” Commander Eagle looks around and notices that the others are a good distance away watching the Bismarck Team and Lance in the suits. “Well, Saber did something remarkable when he got into the suit.” He pauses trying to figure out what all to tell her. “He…was able to figure out the Operating System of the Mobile Suit in a rather short period of time…to the point of unlocking it and reading the tutorials.” “So he’s good with computers.” She states as if it were obvious and not out of the ordinary. “I don’t see what the big deal is. He seems to be rather competent.” “He shouldn’t have been able to access the tutorials, Your Highness. They were purposely locked to keep the pilots out to test their initial abilities. It also only took him a matter of minutes to read a day or more worth of tutorials.” Commander Eagle replies quietly. Fala looks over a bit dumbfounded and he continues. “He is evidently genetically enhanced, as most of the Orb Military is. They call them ‘coordinators’. I think that is what is bothering him more now than anything. He isn’t quite sure how to take that bit of information.” “So you think he is doubting his humanity?” She asks. Commander Eagle shrugs. “That’s one way to look at it.” He sighs. “I’m not entirely sure what is going through his head right now. He seems to have put up a wall between us. It’s almost as if he resents knowing that he was…enhanced. I thought that knowing would be helpful, that maybe he would want to try and improve his skills more, instead it seems to have made him more withdrawn.” “Someone should talk to him, Sir.” She looks up to the Commander who nods slightly. “I’m just not sure who to recommend.” Commander Eagle looks out towards where the others are. “I’m not sure either. He won’t talk to me, so I’m not sure who to suggest. He seems to have some rapport with Lance, though I don’t see him opening up about feelings to him.” Fala laughs. “No, most definitely not Lance, he couldn’t be serious if his life depended on it.” She looks around to the others, thinking. “Maybe April?” The Commander shakes his head. “He seems distant even from her right now.” He sighs. “I briefly thought of Fireball, but thought better of it. Perhaps you or Keith would have better luck?” Fala looks over surprised at the suggestion. “One of us, Sir?” He nods. “He seems to respect both of you, and perhaps being close in age, he wouldn’t feel strange talking to you.” He pauses then adds, “And you have also both lost your families, something else you can relate to him with.” Fala nods, considering the suggestion for a while before speaking again. “I’ll try and talk to him first. Keith isn’t exactly the best person to go to about feelings. He might do well, but I’m not sure even I could talk him into trying to talk to Saber.” Commander Eagle nods. “I appreciate it, Your Highness.” He says quietly. They watch the others for a while and she turns to go inside. “I think I’ll go on in. Maybe it will go better if no one else is around.” Commander Eagle nods. “If they ask where I went, just tell them I’m checking on something and I’ll be back soon.” He nods again and she goes back into the sleeping area, entering through the sitting room. She heads to Saber’s door and knocks softly after hesitating for a moment. After a long silence she goes to leave just as the door opens a bit. “Yes?” Saber asks quietly. Fala looks at him apologetically. “I woke you. I’m sorry. I will just come back later.” She goes to leave. “No. It’s fine. I’m up now.” He sighs and opens the door a bit more. “Can I help you with something, Your Highness?” She looks at him a moment, trying to figure out what to say, “Well, I wanted to talk to you…without anyone else around.” She stammers out quietly, not sure of what else to say. He looks at her hesitantly. “All right. Um…give me a minute and I’ll be out.” She nods. “I’ll be in the sitting area.” He nods and closes the door. She goes and sits down on the couch to wait for him. A few minutes later he comes out, looking a bit better than before. “So, what do you need to talk about, Your Highness?” He says as he sits down across from her. She sighs, not sure what to say and looks around. “Well, it’s a bit of a private matter…is there somewhere else we can go to that someone can’t just walk in on our conversation?” He studies her face for a moment, trying to figure out what she’s thinking, then nods slightly and stands up, indicating for her to follow him. “Is everyone still outside?” She nods as she stands up. “Then we can use the Commander’s office. Let’s go there.” He leads them through a few hallways and they enter the Commander’s office. He sits down in a chair and she sits across from him on another chair. “So, what’s on your mind?” He asks as casually as possible. She looks down nervously trying to figure what to say, then looks up, meeting his gaze as he watches her closely. “Well…” She sighs before continuing, “Several of us have noticed that since you came back from Orb, you have been more…withdrawn, even more tired than you had been. We are all worried about you. No one else is brave enough to come out and ask you if you are okay, so I am.” She states as she takes a deep breath, waiting for a reply. Saber closes his eyes and sighs then looks up at her meeting her gaze briefly before looking away again. “I’m surprised it was you that came. I figured April or Commander Eagle would corner me, I didn’t see it being you.” He begins quietly. He looks back at her and her gaze softens a bit. “I don’t know a definite answer to your question.” He pauses thinking, “Nothing I say, would be the whole truth. I have so much going through my head right now that I honestly don’t know what I am feeling.” He sighs. “I feel a lot of things…anger, grief, confusion…so many different things. I am glad I am alive, but at the same time I feel that I don’t deserve to be. That someone else should have been given that chance.” He pauses, sighing to sort though his thoughts before continuing, “I was doing better for awhile. I felt like…okay, my parents are gone, Sincia’s gone…how can I honor their memories? I can live. It seems simple enough. I start to feel better after the Ceremony, then Calvary Command is attacked, the Bismarck is destroyed. We go to Orb and we get the Suits.” He pauses, trying to compose his thoughts. “And when I got in that suit…it was strange. Something in my mind changed. It was like I suddenly could understand all of the computer stuff in front of me, and suddenly I’m operating the suit without thinking. Next thing I know, Kira and Athrun are saying I must be some kind of ‘coordinator’ or something and basically freaking out, while I’m still trying to figure out how I knew what to do. Then we come back and end up saving all of you, again, it was like I was there, and I wasn’t. It’s like my mind over-takes the rest of me when I’m in that suit. That starts to bother me.” He pauses, studying Fala’s face. She gazes back, trying not to look shocked, but remains attentive, waiting for him to continue. He sighs and continues, “Then Fireball mentions the whole coordinator thing to Commander Eagle, who insists on some sort of blood test. The test confirms that I am indeed one of those…coordinators.” A long silence ensues. “I don’t like this not being in control…How do I explain that to say…Commander Eagle? Or Fireball? Or April? I just don’t know what to tell them. As for how I’m doing in regards to losing my family…I have come to terms with it. I still want those responsible to pay for what they did, but not just because of my family, but for all of those who lost loved ones. My fight is with that witch Merla or whatever her name is. It is for all of those lost, not just those that I lost. Every life has value to someone. Every time I close my eyes, I see the day I lost my parent’s and Sincia. I hear our last conversations, I see the chaos in the command center, I see Commander Eagle’s face…I keep asking myself, what could I have done differently? Should I have asked them to stay one more day…or something…but then I remember something that Sincia once told me.” He pauses briefly. “That everyone is here for a time. Sometimes it seems too short, but we have certain people to meet and certain lessons to learn. Once those are done, we are taken, leaving those behind who still have more to learn. So I am constantly trying to figure out just what the Hell I am supposed to have learned from all of this.” His voice breaks as he finishes, and he looks down to the floor. Fala sits quietly for a while, studying his face and sighs. “So it’s not just trouble sleeping that is bothering you?” He shakes his head slightly and she goes over, kneeling beside him, and places a hand on his shoulder. “Saber, I know this is all happening so fast right now. I know this seems overwhelming. But…Sincia is right. There are lessons here, lessons for all of us. We have all met one another for a reason.” She pauses thinking and he looks up from the floor to meet her gaze. “Perhaps because we have met, we can improve the lives of those we know now, the ones still alive. Perhaps we can prevent more from needlessly dying. We have become technologically stronger. The Mobile Suits are evidence of that. Just think, if those events hadn’t happened, we probably wouldn’t have met. I for one am glad we have, I’m just sorry for the circumstances under which we met. You are a strong person, Saber, but you have to remember, you can’t take on everything by yourself. Believe me, I have tried, and it doesn’t work.” He smiles weakly at her and she gets up, returning to her chair. “I know that we will make the witch pay for the deaths she has caused. I think we have now been given what we need to be better equipped to end this fight. Not much can stop us, once we become familiar with this new technology and as long as we remember that we can rely on each other.” Saber nods. “Thank you, Your Highness,” he says quietly and sighs. “I just wish I could get a peaceful night’s sleep. But the images keep coming…they won’t stop.” Fala nods understanding. “Have you tried literally writing down every detail onto paper?” He looks at her skeptically. “I’m serious. Have you tried writing down every detail of that day and the days that followed? The smells, the conversations, everything you can remember…What the weather was like, what clothes everyone was wearing…your thoughts during various conversations you had with people. Your thoughts as you hugged your mother…kissed your fiancé…literally every little detail?” Saber shakes his head. “No. I haven’t. I had not thought of that.” “Try it then. Try literally writing out every little thing. Then read it. It will affirm that you have done everything that you could have done and will help you remember the good parts of that day. Then…shred it or better yet, burn the papers.” He looks at her surprised. “It’s good therapy, actually. It’s like you are finally releasing all of the emotions tied to those events. It’s a visualization of those feelings being released. I have done it and it has helped, maybe it would help you too,” she says, noticing he has relaxed a little. Saber studies her face for a minute and notices she’s completely serious. “So you really think it could help the dreams stop?” he asks quietly. She nods. “At this point it’s worth a try. I’ve tried everything else I could think of.” He looks over and nods. “Thank you, Your Highness…for letting me vent to you. I suppose I haven’t been the most friendly person lately.” She smiles. “I think everyone understands. Everyone has been worried about you. But no one was brave enough to corner you about it.” He chuckles. “How’d they con you into it?” “Commander Eagle asked me to. He thought about asking Lance or Keith, saying that you had already seemed a bit distant to the others in your crew, including him. So after thinking of how it could possibly go if he asked one of the guys, I volunteered to come and talk to you. I figured that I can sort of understand how you feel. I have lost my family too, even though I was very young when it happened. I can still relate.” Saber nods. “I think you were probably the better choice. You tend to be better at expressing your thoughts, than say…Lance.” Fala laughs. “Somehow, I just can’t see a serious conversation like we just had going well with Lance…or any of the guys for that matter.” Saber nods, smiling. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Lance is most assuredly not serious, if he can help it.” They both stand up and Fala smiles at him. “You seem to look a little better. I’m glad of that, Saber.” He nods. “I do feel a bit better. Thank you. If it’s fine with you, I think I am going to go and eat something, and then try as you suggested.” She nods. “Please let Commander Eagle know. I will be in my quarters if anyone needs me.” Fala nods. “I’ll let them know. If you ever need to talk and don’t want to talk to your crew, you can talk to me any time. I will keep what is said between us.” She turns to leave, Saber following behind her. “Thank you. And I’ll remember your offer,” he replies as they continue towards the sleeping quarters. She turns and waves, heading back to the hangar area and Saber heads back into his quarters, stopping to fix something to eat. Fala returns to the hangar just as the others are heading back. Commander Eagle spots her and she nods, coming over to him. “Well?” He asks quietly. “How did it go? You were gone quite a while.” She nods. “I think it went well. He looked a lot better after we talked. I gave him some suggestions to try and help his sleeping.” Commander Eagle nods, waiting for her to continue. “As for what all was said, I promised to keep it in confidence. Since what we discussed doesn’t pose a threat to anyone. I plan on keeping that promise to him, Sir.” Commander Eagle looks as if he wants to object, but stops himself and nods. “I understand. Just promise that if he does say something that could cause harm to himself or someone else you will speak up.” Fala nods. “Of course.” A few minutes later, the crews come back to where Commander Eagle and Fala are standing. “How did it go?” Fala asks. Keith looks over at her confused. “Weren’t you watching?” Fala shakes her head. “I had something else I was doing. I just got back.” He looks confused for a moment, then shrugs. “I think it went well.” He looks to Lance. “Although Saber might have to pry Lance from that suit now.” He laughs as Lance glares in his direction. “Ha ha really funny, Chief.” Lance retorts. “It’s not as easy as it looks. I’m glad he allowed me the tutorials this time.” April looks around. “Saber still not up?” Commander Eagle shakes his head. “He’s asked us to let him rest unless we need him today. I’m inclined to allow it. He’s been pushing himself too hard lately.” April looks worried. “That’s just not like him,” she mumbles to herself. Fala comes over to her and whispers. “He’ll be fine, I think. He just needs time to clear his head after…yesterday. He looked better after he and I talked for a while.” April looks over to her surprised, but nods. “He talked to you?” “It took a bit of coaxing, but I got him to talk. I think he is just really tired. He hasn’t slept more than an hour or two a night since his parents were killed. You’d be tired too.” Fala says quietly. They all head back to the living quarters and eat and talk for a while. Early evening, Commander Eagle knocks and then enters the living area where most of the crew members are sitting talking amongst themselves. He scans the room, everyone ceasing conversation and looking at him as he enters. “Good, most of you are here. We have some information that a few enemy ships were spotted getting closer to us again. At this point, we are not sure whether we are the destination, or if they are trying to draw us out to see what our weapon capability is. I would like opinions on how we should act.” He says as he comes in and sits down. “Let us go out in the Lions, Commander. We can do a recon trip and try to see what they are up to. That way, we don’t show our hand and give them a chance to fight the Mobile Suits unless they are needed.” Keith says. “Why don’t you let me go out in my suit? It’s made for recon missions. I’ve not had a chance to try out the stealth mode yet. This could be the perfect time to do so, Sir.” Fireball states. “I say we just go after them with everything we have and blow them out of the sky.” Colt says standing up. “Why else would we have all this great firepower for?” “I’m with the Cowboy.” Hothead adds. “Me too.” Shorty chimes in. “I don’t think going out there with guns blaring is the best idea, even if I’d like to see that witch dead myself.” Saber adds, leaning against the wall at the back of the room. Everyone turns to look at him. “How long have you been there?” April asks. “Long enough to hear what’s going on,” he replies, looking around the room. “Keith and Fireball both have valid points. As much as I’d love to see that witch killed, going out full force isn’t the way to do it. I’m sure this is more of a test than a real attack. They know we have better weapons, and they want us to tip our hand, so that they can see just what we have. We can’t fall for it or we’re as good as done for.” He pauses looking for objections, when no one argues, he continues. “I think the best plan would be for Fireball to try out his stealth mode, while Keith and the GoLion team make a more…visible attempt at recon, acting as sort of a distraction. We need to know how many ships, what kind they are, what their firepower is like, and how many of those beastmen are on board the ships and their weapons, if possible. Then, once we know, we can plan a surprise attack and catch them when they don’t expect it. The more we know of them, the better we can find a weakness to exploit to our advantage.” Keith nods. “He’s right. They know what we are capable of, but they don’t know for sure that the suits are even still here. For all they know, they came in to help, then return to where they came from. So right now, we have the advantage.” He looks to Fireball. “How soon could you be ready to leave?” “Five minutes.” Fireball replies. Keith nods. “Good. Let’s leave then.” He turns to the other GoLion crew members. “You ready to head out?” They nod. “Let’s go.” They get up and head for the Lions, Fireball behind them. Keith stops in the doorway and turns to Commander Eagle. “We’ll contact you on the com in the Command Center.” Commander Eagle nods and gets up, heading towards the door. “Shall we join you in the Command Center, Sir?” Saber asks. Commander Eagle stops and looks to Saber and nods. “I think that’s a good idea.” He looks to April and Colt. “Are you coming as well?” They nod and follow the Commander and Saber to the Command Center. April lags behind a bit to walk beside Saber. “Are you feeling any better?” She asks quietly. He nods slightly. “A bit. Thank you.” He replies quietly. They walk the rest of the way in silence. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (