Thank you for the music von Keyjahn ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- Title: Thank You For The Music Author: Key( Archive/Mirror: Yes, but ask me first Band: Deg Paring: None Genre: Songfic Rating: G Comments: I had choir practice and it was kind of boring. We sang ABBA's "Thank You For The Music", but being soprano I don't have things to do, the alto sang the melody! And suddenly I had an idea seeing my little Kyo-chan! [that's my tiny teddy bear, he's always with me and of cause always at the choir practice, sleeping on a chair beside me] And here it comes. ~ Reality ~ ~ Dream ~ Thank You For The Music Kao's POV Sleep! I definitely need sleep! I wasn't able to sleep well for months! Recording, Interviews, Photo-shootings... To be honest, I want to be on tour! Everyday another city, people screaming our names and at the end of the day your are so extremely exhausted, that sleeping is no problem! It's the best part of a rock star's life! The rest... forget it! But now I have to sleep. Kaoru didn't want to go home. He simply fell on the couch in the practice-room and closed his eyes. It took him just seconds to be caught in slumber-land... Everywhere fog. Kaoru wasn't able to see his hands in front of his eyes. But only for short time, than he realized he was on stage, Totchi on his left, not far away from Kyo. But somehow Kyo looked strange, like in these Kera-Photo-shootings! Wearing a loose blue cotton pullover, he turned to Kaoru with a big grin on his lips and started to sing. «Thank you for the music, thank you for blood spiting! I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of sleep' head. If you call me cute You've probably die in seconds! But I have a talent a wonderful thing, 'cause ev'ryone listen when I start to scream. I'm so grateful and proud, all I want is to scream it out loud. So I say, thank you for the music, the songs I'm screaming. Thanks for all the joy They're bringing. Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty. What would live be Without puking or blood, what are we? » Suddenly a fan appeared catching the mic from Kyo and starting to sing... «So I say thank you for fanservice, for giving it to us! » But Kyo kicked the fan from stage holding the mic near his mouth glaring into the audience. «I've been so lucky, I am the boy with golden hair. I wanna scream it out To ev'rybody, what joy, what a life, what a chance!» Kyo smiled again, but it was a scary smiling and this scary feeling was increased by the bloody knife in his hands. "Kaoru! Kaoruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" "Kaoru, what's wrong with you?" Kaoru opened his eyes, straight looking into Kyo's brown orbs. "Do you had a bad dream? You were screaming my name!" Kaoru shook his head and stood up, turning to the door. "Just a strange dream. I have to go home. I need sleep!" And so Kaoru finally drove home, finding peace in his own cozy bed! ~owari~ I know it's strange and it's not really good too. But if someone like it, please fell free to mail me! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (