Start of a bunch of many wonderful memories von Demonic_Banshee ([Kuzcos Königsklasse - Kuzco x Malina]) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: New Memories [One-Shot] ---------------------------------- The first thought of him was "So much to "not interferie!"." and then, after Malina hissed "Okay, NOW it's ruined!", it was "SHIT!". The thought of ruining her party a third time in a row now really scared him, for she wouldn't like him anymore. He looked down, trying to ignore all of Malinas guests, who had turned into flies (because of Yzmas potion Kuzco had poured into the punch). Malina couldn't say another word and just watched, but not even a minute after they had been transformed they turned back to their normal selves. But against all Kuzco would have thought would happen next (like all pointing their fingers on him, screaming "You ruined Malinas party!") Malinas grandfather started to laugh. "I never felt that lightly in ages!" he sighed, after he could catch a breath. And then everyone started laughing. Even Malina began to laugh and in that moment Kuzcos heart felt warm - not being in the spotlight wasn't too bad when Malina was instead. Luckily they all weren't angry about that incident and began to celebrate again. It was a comfy atmosphere with all of them being that happy. Now that everything had turned out to be good he felt lightheaded, as if a mountain was falling from his little heart. Suddenly he felt something grab his hand. He almost said the usual phrase "No touchie!" but when he saw it was Malina, face turned to the ground with a light shade of pink in her face, he forgot everything he wanted to say. "Hey... Kuzco. Thank you for the album. You know, maybe we should take a photo from this moment? I'd really... love to remember it." For a second he was speechless - she was so cute and maybe she now liked him - like she like-liked him! "Sure thing!" Unbelievably happy he took her hand and they walked to one of Malinas relatives who took a wonderful picture of them both leaning against the other, without Malina being against the sudden closeness to Kuzco - much to his enjoyment. xXx Er, well. I'm totally into "The emperor's new school" and watched almost all the episodes in the last few days. The last episode I watched was "Come fly with me" and I felt like writing something. So this is it - short, senseless and maybe not even well written (took me just about 10 minutes). Just let me tell you one thing: I LOVE KUZCO x MALINA!!! Well, please tell me how it was and whether I made mistakes. Thank you! P.S.: Ah! If you are a fan of the couple (or if you aren't, listen anyway!) - I want to draw them but I have no ideas! Tell me how you would like to see them together! Thank you! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (