The truth... von Anni-chan95 (...and what it can do sometimes) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Kidnapping cases --------------------------- Translation: doushite? - =How did this happen? Hai – Yes Nande? - Why? Jya, ne - Bye Kap 2 Kidnapping cases The next morning at hakase Conan was the first to be awaken. He was just so exited about his plan for that day. Today was the day when he plan to pull off every mask he was wearing and tell his childhood friend, the girl who treats him like her little brother since he 'was' the little Edogawa Conan. „Why are you awake that early?“, a familar voice asked him. „Couldn't sleep, Haibara!“, he answered. „I see. Do you know what time is it?“ „No, but I guess you'll tell me soon!“ „It's about quarter past four in the morning. A little too early to wake up. Don't you think?“ „Yeah, same for you. Why are you awake?“ „I heard something strange from outside. That woke me up.“, she explained. „Are you scared or what.“ „No off course not. Bye the way here're four other persons, who want to sleep, so talk quietly.“ „Now I am going over and take the post!“ Conan stood up from the chair he was sitting on and left. „Do whatever you want. We'll be here.“ Ai said sleepy, turned around and closed her eyes while Conan arrived at his mailbox. He took every letter and returned to Hakase. He sat on a chair in the kitchen, opening one letter after another. 'For Dad', he thought. 'And fan letters for Mum and what is that...', he stopped when he saw a black letter. Shinichi Kudo was written on it. He got interested and opened it, not mentioning the other letters in the pile. 'Dear Kudo Shinichi. If you ever want to see your childhood friend Mouri Ran again alive, solve that code. >keteke – hi – no''suyu – a zu written tsu with Dakuten ('') - no – sekinikiname – taru – n – kashia – sutsu – sake – do< C'mon, you are such a great detective. It'll we no match for you. And don't call the police. I'll be waiting for you The Kidnapper' Conan froze. Ran had been kidnapped. He could imagine who did this. The men in black. Meanwhile at the place where Ran were 'held' „Do you think, it's right to pretend I am kidnapped, Sonoko?“, Ran asked, feeling guilty. „Of course. How else do you want to see Kudo-kun again. When you tell him to come home, he doesn't come, but when you are kidnapped, he has to come.“, Sonoko said smiling. „And how will he ever find out, where we are?“ „With the code I wrote in the 'kidnapper letter'. 'The treasure, which is you off course, is hidden where you expect it the least'.“ „Now I got it. Nobody would ever expect, that we are in the Kudo's Villa.“ „Exactly and because we contacted Otou-san not to call the police, everything is totally fine.“, Sonoko said. ~ flashback ~ „What, you two want to pretend Ran has been kidnapped. Just to attract that nosy highschool detective for coming home!“, Kogoro yelled at the two girls. They nodded. „But why today? Why not yesterday or last week?“, he asked. „Because today, Conan isn't here. If he would, he would easyly find out about our plan and tell Shinichi.“, Ran said. „Then then our plan would be a failure. Got it?“, Sonoko cleared up the consequences. „And what do you want from me?“ „Just don't call the police if anyone tells you, that we are kidnapped. And if anyone asks you, where we are, just tell them anything. Please Otou-san. Would you do that?“, Ran asked sulkily. „Well, I don't know. What about school?“ „Don't pretend not to know. You know exactly that the holidays just began.“, Sonoko yelled at him. „Ok, ok, I guess if i say no, you won't accept that. So you got my agreement and now leave me. Okino Yoko' show is starting soon!“ ~ flashback end ~ 'I hope he'll come soon', Ran thought hoping. AM 8'o'clock Hakase residence Conan still sat in the kitchen, staring at the letter. „Konnichi wa, Conan-kun, how long have you been awake?“ „Since quarter past four!“, the shrunken detective said emotionless. „Did something bad happen to you this morning?“ „Kinda!“ Conan showed Hakase the letter he received. „What?!... I don't wonder why you are so cheerless this morning...but...what are you going to do now?“ „I don't know.“ „I understand!“ Hakase placed his hand pitiful on the boy's shoulder. „Do you think it's from them?“, the old men asked. „I don't know, but it's possible!“ „What is possible?“ „Ai-kun, Ran-kun has been kidnapped tonight. Conan-kun got a letter.“ „What. Show me!“ Ai took the letter and read. „You're concerned if it's from them, right!“ Conan nodded slightly. „Then don't worry. The would never write anything like 'the kidnapper'. Probably they wouldn't write a letter but if they do they would sign with their codenames in blood red.“ „Oh really!“ The detective was cleary relieved. „Konnichi wa, mina-san!“, Ayumi and the two boys came in and greeted Conan, Hakase and Ai. „What is that in your hand, Ai-chan?“, the girl asked curious. „Nothing important!“, she rumple the letter into a ball and pressed it into conan's hand. „I think it's time to prepare breakfast.“, Hakase quickly changed the topic. „Good idea.“, Mitsuhiko said. „Yeah, I am starving!“, Genta added. While they had breakfast, the three kids told Agasa their opinion about that game. That was the first reason why hakase invited them all for a sleep over. „It's a great game, but I think the code we had to solve at first was a little to difficult!“, Mitsuhiko said. „But Conan-kun solved it easily.“, Ayumi exclaimed. „What do you say, Conan-kun?“, Genta asked the boy. „Nothing!“ Conan said still emotionless. „What's up? You seem to be down today.“, Ayumi tried to cheer him up. No use. Conan stood up and went away. He sat down on the sofa and then he took out the letter which Ai rumbled before. He read it again. 'Hey isn't that the same code as yesterday?' He took out his notice book and wrote a lot of hiragana characters. 'Yes. It's totally the same.' „Hakase! Who did create the first code of your game?“, Conan asked furious. Hakase was kinda confused about the sudden change of opinion of the little boy. „It was me. Why are you asking?“ „Did anybody ask you about some kinds of codes during the last couple of days?“ „Only Suzuki-san!“ 'Sonoko. That makes no sense. Why should she kidnap Ran. I'm groping in the dark. There must be an solution and I have to solve it. Ok. First the code. >The treasure< means Ran of course. The treasure is hidden where you expect it the least. Where do one expect to search when anyone is kidnapped?' „Ayumi-chan, Genta-kun, Mitsuhiko-kun, if you would kidnap someone where would you take him if you don't want him or her to be found?“, Conan asked serious. „Why. Had someone been kidnapped?“ „ in case!“, he stuttered. „Oh!“ Ayumi said. „I guess would take him or her to a place very far away from the person, who, as I think, would search him or her the most!“ 'Ayumi-chan's right.', Conan thought. 'When you expect the kidnapped one far away from you, you would never expect her very close to like in your own house. Haibara said that she heard strange noises from outside tonight. That's it.' His eyes shot opened. „I got it!“ Conan ran out in high speed. 'Wow, it must have hit him hard. He didn't even ask for andidote. Maybe because he wanted to tell her. But what will he tell the kidnapper? And probably he wanted to tell her the truth under other circumstances.“, Ai thought while watching the boy running away. Meanwhile in the Kudo Villa: „Good morning Ran!“, Sonoko greeted her friend when she came into the room. „Good morning, Sonoko. What have you done outside?“ „Just looked at the mailbox. Seems like someone took it. He'll know soon and you'll see your husband again in a very short time.“ „He isn't my husband. He is my friend and I am worried. Nothing more.“, Ran denied. All of a sudden they heard the door open. „Well, I didn't think of him that early!“, Sonoko admited. Then it was quiet. „Maybe it was just the wind!“, Ran thought „Yeah. Let's breakfast.“ „Good idea!“ Conan went slowly through the hall. Noone seems to be there. He took his voice-changing bow-tie and dialed the one. Because it was his own voice. „Ran, are you here?“, he yelled. „Ran, I know you're here. It's me Shinichi.“ „Ok, he's here. Maybe he returned today and solved my mystery!“, Sonoko exclaimed. „Mystery?“ „Yes, I asked agasa-hakase for some kinds of codes.“ „Should we go to him?“, the long-haired girl asked. „No, he has to find us all by hisself.“ Sonoko stayed cool and took another bite of her breakfast.“ „Where are you? Ran, say something!“, he yelled when he arrived at the stairs. Then he went upstairs. He could hear the two girls talking and eating. 'They tricked me. Why did they make me worry that much?' Conan walked slowly towards them. „Ran, don't make me worry that much ever again!“, he said, tears in his eyes. „I thought something happened to you!“ Ran looked at the little boy. „Conan-kun?!“ He slightly shook his head. He wanted to take off his glasses, but because of Genta they were broken. Ran was shocked. „Shinichi?!“, she said. Conan nodded. „But how. Doushite.“, the girl asked. Sonoko didn't get it. „Where's Shinichi?“, she asked confused. „He is...“, Ran wanted to say but Conan shook his head again. 'I understand. You don't want Sonoko to know it!' „He is not here but he called Conan-kun to look, right!“ „Hai!“ Ran stood up. „C'mon, conan-kun. Let's go into the living-room. There you can tell me what you did yesterday.“ „Ok, Ran-neechan.“ Then the two left, leaving sonoko all alone. When they arrived in the living-room, they sat down at the sofa. „Ok, now tell me how this happened to you. I am curious.“ „You are not angry? I mean, I have been lieing to you all the time. And we know what together.“, Conan said in disbelief. This time Ran shook her head. „It's ok. When I phoned your parents to ask them for the permission to use the villa for our little trick, they told me, that you probably won't come because you are too busy with a very dangerous case. I asked them, what case it is, but they couldn't answer. I assumed something like that. At first I was angry, but I realized that I brought you to this and can't blame you.“, Ran explained. Conan sighted. „I will tell you.“ „That's what I wanted.“ 'But I can't tell you every detail. Because the more she knows, the more she is in danger.', he thought. „It all started on the day when we were at the tropical land. Remember I followed the mysterious men in black. I watched a suspious deal between two men but I didn't noticed the Third. He knocked me down and made me swollow an experimental poison, which was supposed to kill me, but instead of that, it made me look like this. If they ever find out I am still alive, they would be after me again and after everone I care about. I just can't let that happen.“, he explained. „Wow...I told you not to go...have you found something out so far?“, Ran asked. „Kinda. I am in contact a former member of the organisation, early called Sherry, who created the toxin which made me shrink. Because she also took it, the same happened to her.“ „She also shrank. You are in contact with her. Do I know her?“, Ran asked. „Yes, but she don't want me to tell you who she is. Besides she was really upset when I told her yesterday, that I decided to tell you.“ „You already planned to tell me today. You wanted to bring yourself in such a great danger, just to make me stop worrying about you?“ Conan nodded. „One member of the organisation, called Vermouth, already knows about me and if she tells the others, I am as good as dead, but for some reason she keeps it as a secret.“ Somewhere near: 'You're right, silver bullet. Your life's in my hand like my life was in your hand before.' vermouth thought when she hid beyond a tree and listened to the little conversation in the kudo villa next to her. She hid a little listening bug in there before. 'Dear silver bullet, I wish you would tell me everything you know about our traitor, sherry!' Back in the villa where Ran and Shinichi still were talking: „Ran, you said you called my parents, right?“, Conan asked. „Hai, Nande?“ „Did they say anything, when they'll visit us here in Tokyo. I only know that they will come sometime in the holidays!“ „Hai, they did. They are going to arrive today. But I don't know when exactly.“ „Today?! They should have called me at least.“ „Maybe the sudden visit should have been a suprise!“ „Maybe...shouldn't you return to Sonoko by now.“ „You're right and you...“ „I am going back to hakase and please tell nobody what I told you!“ „Of course I won't. I think it's best if we keep things as they are. Jya, ne, conan-kun!“ „Jya, ne, ran-neechan! I am coming home soon.“ Conan went to the door, opened it and went outside. As soon as he passed the gate, Vermouth sneaky followed him and all of a sudden she attacked him from behind and pressed a cloth against his face, made him inhale the chloroform. He tried to fight back but soon he fell unconsious. Vermouth put the cloth in her pocket and took the kid with her, where the cloth fall on the ground. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (