Three Words von Picco-der-Teufel ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Aurons Love Letter ----------------------------- Three Words Long time before I met her, I knew, that one day she will be mine. Now it is time for me, to talk about that. My first love! Ahhh…I remember like it was yesterday. But the time has run away so fast, because that must have been almost 20 years ago. My opinion was easy to see. She looks so beautiful and georgeous, that everyone else looks ugly and sad at her site. I always dreamed, when I saw her. Each heart she touched jumps up. But she wants not one of them. When I looked into her deep blue eyes, I saw sadness. She was alone in the big world of Spira. Only 17 years old and a strong will to defeat Sin. Tears run down my face. I know now, that I’ll never see her again in my life. The fight against Sin means to die. Sin will die, and she too. I wanted to follow her to Zarnakand, but she disagreed to my suggestion. In this last night she gave me her body and her soul. Everything she wanted was to see me happy for one time, and god shall proof my words, she really made me happy. I was the happiest guy in whole Spira. But when the sun rises, I knew this would be the last time I saw her alive. She walks alone to the next temple. No one was by her site to protect her. Each day I only could think of her. And I couldn’t remember one moment, where I could not think of Shirai. When I start to became the guardian from her little brother, Braska, my thoughts were with her all the time. I couldn’t forget her. This beautiful and sad smile that I saw at last, I will always remember that. But when I stood infront of Yunalesca, I started to think about the hole things the medium does. They died with Sin and then 10 years later Sin comes back. But the medium?! Every time the medium thinks that Sin won't come back, but this is a lie! Sin always returns. So I started to hate Spira. Spira take Shirai and the other mediums. On my second time as a guardian I wanted to change everything. Braska’s daughter wanted to defeat Sin. And now I get all the answers I wanted to have over all those years. Shirai! What have they done to you! In Macalania they stole your soul and put her into a stone figure. Now you have to be on the site from each medium, who goes to die. Was that the thing you wanted? Was that your dream? No, I don’t think so. Yuna and Tidus reached the goal no one could have ever reached. This two little kids defeat Sin and now you’re free. And I hope I see you again. See you in heaven, my angel. And before I forget I’ll never forget your last words to me, before you leave me. I LOVE YOU! Auron Hosted by Animexx e.V. (