The Phantom of the Digiworld von Semiramis-Audron (a tragic story of three lovers) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Angelic voices ------------------------- A/N: As my dear Beta-reader Athena is terribly busy but I can't wait any longer I'll put up the other chapters now... With all the grammar mistakes... I hope you'll enjoy it although... well y'know... My English isn't that bad for a German girl, is it? (I wonder how many mistakes were in these few lines...) Well... Read and Review please! Chapter one: Angelic voices The large building was like a castle of hope in the rays of the sun. On its roof a golden statue of MagnaAngemon killing a demonic Devidramon like the legendary Siegfried in the Ring of the Nibelungen. It heralded the victory of light over darkness. Gomamon and Agumon stood in front of the digimon-theatre, together with Angemon and Etemon, the former director. "I hope our collaboration will be productive! I would be really disappointed if we'd loose an attraction like this just because of some budget problems!" Said Angemon looking up to the statue of its ultra level form. Agumon and Gomamon nodded while Etemon suddenly coughed out loud, he had not told Angemon about the chorus girl's little stories of a phantom or something like this. And Agumon and Gomamon would not tell the vaccine digimon about them because they thought them to be nothing more but yarns. "Well then, fans! If you need me. I'll be in the desert doing my show!" Etemon spouted and walked away. Actually this sentence's message was. Good Bye… this shed is your problem now! The three digimon looked after him and shrugged. "I think, Angemon we should show you the theatre which influences all of the Digiworld now." "Yes, Agumon is right." Added Gomamon and the three of them walked into the edifice. Its great foyer had large stairs with a red carpet. Everything was out of marble with golden ornaments reflecting the light, curtains of a velvet red and figures of men and women that seemed to follow the example of human's antic Greek art, their marble skin like ivory. It was the glorious epitome of the happy times the digimon lived in at that moment. But the more light, the darker the shadows… "Oh it seems there's a rehearsal for this evenings show. Do you want to have a look at it Angemon?" The vaccine nodded and they went into the great auditorium which's ceiling could be opened to let the sun- or moonlight in when the weather was good. As it was always sunny those days in the Digiworld, the hall stayed open day and night. Just the stage that could be turned into a battle arena was covered with a high roof, from which the curtain, movable sets and so on were lowered at the plays or battles. Wooden bridges and walkways were hidden up there for Wizardmon to do his job. "This is our primadonna Arukenimon, she is whom all the digimon want to see! Don't you think her voice is wonderful? And her attacks are quite strong." Began Gomamon rhapsodizing, Angemon raised an eyebrow under his helmet and cleared his throat. "Well… yes, certainly." They walked onto the stage while Mummymon started his solo, but suddenly a female voice shouted at them. "Please my dears! I am training here! Agumon, Gomamon, would you please leave the room. I need complete silence for my lasses to raise their stats!" A tall good-looking woman in a black leather cat suit with long silver hair rushed over to them in fury. "Ah yes, just a minute." Said Agumon looking up to her. Gomamon addressed to the ballet dancers, the singers, fighters and the stars. "May I have your attention please? I know there have been rumors about that Etemon would finally retire. And I can tell you now. These rumors are true! Agumon and me, we will take over this theatre and with it, we can guard the Digiworld." A lot of the girls screamed in joy that this stupid unmusical baboon would no longer tell them what to do. Even Arukenimon thanked the digi-gods in the sky that they finally had listened to the troupe's fervent prayers. Agumon now continued. "And it's a pleasure for me to introduce you my dear cast to our new patron: Angemon! His holy family of vaccines will support us, as the whole Digiworld." Everyone applauded and Angemon bowed slightly. "I'm proud to support such a good and famous team as you are." The digimon in the tight cat suit cleared her throat and looked at Angemon suspiciously. Gomamon who noticed it decided to perform a little tourist guiding. "Ah well, Angemon… Here we have our dear trainer and dresser, LadyDevimon. She is really good in those jobs. Oh by the way, this Lillymon you can see there at the chorus girls is her daughter. And here our dear soprano Arukenimon we've already shown you. And this is our male star Mummymon, also an amazing talent." Angemon had to shake a lot of hands, fins, branches and so on, finally he bowed and said. "It's an honor for me to meet all these famous digimon, but I believe I'm keeping you from your training. I will be here this evening, to see the show. If you would excuse me now." Angemon bowed and walked down from the stage, through the aisles of red velvet seats and out of the theatre. Two of the chorus girls whispered in the background, one of them was Lillymon; she listened closely to her friend. "It's him… I remember him; we used to play together when we were at rookie level. He was such a cute Patamon." The girls giggled but Lillymon looked after Angemon. "Did you think he noticed you, I believe he glanced at you, when you aimed your celestial arrow, or what ever you call it." Angewomon regarded the crowd of chorus girls and shook her head. "No, I don't think he would recognize me. I had been a Salamon at that time." They were interrupted by LadyDevimon who called them back to continue the training and rehearsing for the evening's show. "Hey, can you tell me Gomamon?" Whispered Agumon into his mate's ear. "Yes, what'd you want to know?" He whispered back not to disturb the rehearsing. "I still don't understand why this theatre here is supposed to have so much power over the whole Digiworld…" Gomamon sighed he had explained it already a thousand times, it was not so difficult. "The Digiworld is a digital world, created out of computer data, and music is something that is very hard to create with a computer, because euphonic tones consist of so many different and irregular kinds of oscillations and waves that they are very hard to calculate for a computer. That's why music is such a commanding thing in this world. And so, who rules the music, rules the Digiworld. Did you finally understand?" Even though Agumon nodded, Gomamon was sure that his friend did not really understand it, actually because he himself could not quite grasp the whole reason. "Anyway, I don't like Arukenimon singing." Agumon admitted, pointing at the spider digimon. Gomamon scratched his chin with his claws. "Do you think I do? I'm just leading this theatre because of the power of music thing." Agumon nodded and added: "And we earn a lot of money with it!" Gomamon regarded the ballerina's. "AND the money, yes!" Both looked at each other and grinned. Arukenimon came to her final number she whirled around like a gyroscope, her silver hair waving in her own wind. She screwed her voice higher and higher and suddenly… One of the wooden training tree trunks which hung stored under the roof, crashed down directly into her direction. It banged against her head and knocked her out for some minutes. A loud murmuring went through the heap of chorus girls and Angewomon looked up to the roof, wasn't there a black shadow rushing away? "It's him!" She whispered to Lillymon. "He's here, the phantom of the Digiworld!" Mummymon rushed over to his love. "YOU IDIOTS! Keni! Keni! Are you hurt!" LadyDevimon looked up, too, but she saw no shadow, there was just Wizardmon running to the cable that had been holding the trunk. He shouted down from his walkway. "Please Gomamon, don't look at me! As Azulongmon is my wideness, I was not at my post! And… There's no one there, or if there is… well then it must be a ghost!" He chuckled and added to himself: "… or another undead digimon…" LadyDevimon raised an eyebrow and walked over to the three trunk. There was a crimson letter attached to it… "Please Arukenimon, these things do happen it was an accident!" Gomamon tried to calm down the just awoken digimon, but she simmered in rage. "These things do happen? THESE THINGS DO HAPPEN! In the last three years these things do happen permanently and did anyone stopped them from happening! NO! Well if you don't stop these things from happening THIS thing won't happen ever again!" She shouted pointing at herself. She called out for Mummymon to follow her and he did as a little dog would. "Amateurs!" LadyDevimon walked over to Agumon and Gomamon, moving the crimson letter between her fingers. "I have a message for you two! From the Digiworld's ghost!" She said and opened the letter Agumon groaned and rolled with his eyes. "Oh please! Azulongmon in the skies! Are you all possessed by this stupid fable!" He and Gomamon listened when LadyDevimon told them what was written in it. "He merely welcomes you to his theatre---." She was interrupted by Gomamon who snorted unbelieving. "His theatre? Who does he think he is!" LadyDevimon continued as if she hadn't heard something. "And commends that you continue to keep box five empty for his use!" She pointed at the right side of the stage, a box very much like the others, just that its crimson curtains had been pulled closed. "And he reminds you that his salary is due." She ended without an expression in her face. Agumon and Gomamon glared at this piece of crimson paper. "HIS SALARY!" LadyDevimon shrugged as if she wouldn't care. "Etemon used to give him 20.000 Bits a month, but you can probably afford more. Now you have Angemon as your patron!" The two rookies gasped at such an amount of digital money, and then Agumon got furious remembering something. "Twenty-thousand bits? Actually I wanted to announce our takeover of this theatre at the show today, but obviously we have to cancel it. AS WE'VE SEEM TO HAVE LOST OUR STAR!" The murmur started again; of course he was talking of Arukenimon. "We cannot cancel, we have a full house! We shall have to refund a full house? Are you nuts! Think of all the money!" Gomamon begged at him. LadyDevimon grinned smugly and grabbed the hand of one of the chorus girls. "Angewomon here could take her part. She's in a very good training!" Angewomon blushed as the two rookies looked at her skeptic. "Oh really? Who's your trainer then?" She stammered something that sounded as if she would not know his name, but LadyDevimon interrupted her. "Just let her do it! You'll see she has been well taught." Gomamon and Agumon decided that it could not become worse and let her do it. At first she had to fight against Leomon, but actually the show was not supposed to be a battle, it should be art combined with what the digimon were born for. Fighting. And Angewomon seemed to be a natural talent, she jumped up, spread her wings and every move was in perfect harmony. It looked magnificent when she rammed her boot into Leomon's face. Everyone applauded and then, the second part followed the part of her singing… "Think of me… Think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye. Remember me… Once in a while, please promise me, you'll try! When you find, that once again You long to take your heart back and be free… If you ever find a moment Spare a thoughts to me…" " The whole auditorium was silent as they heard her singing. It was so wonderful, the voice of an angel; of course it was obvious who would get the part in this evening's show, as Arukenimon was still refusing to appear on stage. So Angewomon repeated her fighting and the eyes of the digimon in the audience were filled with tears when she sang… We never said, our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me. Think of all the things we've shared and seen Don't think about the things, Which might have been…" She breathed deeply, she could feel all the eyes on her skin but she did not care, as she knew there was one pair of eyes watching her fondly and giving her the courage to sing. "Think of me, Think of me waking, silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind Recall those days; look back on all those times Think of the things we'll never do, There will never be a day when I won't think of YOU!"She had her eyes closed feeling the music vibrating through her body. She heard her warm blood rushing in her veins, felt its warmness in her blushed cheeks. Meanwhile in one of the boxes Angemon stand in front of his seat leaning over the parapet to have a better look at her. "Can it be? Could this be my old girlfriend Salamon? Bravo! Bravo!" He was quite sure, this Angewomon was his friend from his rookie days. He applauded and cheered for her. "Long ago, it seemed so long ago… How young and innocent were we…I remember her even though she might not remember me!" Now as fate, the fruits of summer fade They have their seasons, so do we But please promise me that sometimes, You will think of ME!" She trembled, the hall was full of emotions, she could hardly breath. Her heart was throbbing against her chest. This was it, her great entrance to the Digiworld's power and she knew she never would have achieved it without him… When the music finished and she could leave the stage, with all the flowers the audience had sent up to her in her arms, she was nearly fainting. But she still heard it, the soft voice inside of her head… "Brava. Brava. Bravissima!" Lillymon came running to help her walk; she feared her friend would fall unconscious. "Angewomon, Angewomon!" And there it was again this soft and silky voice inside her head. "Angewomon..." Lillymon shook her gently. "Where in the world have you been hiding? Really girl you have been perfect! I only wish I'd knew your secret! Who is your great tutor!" Angewomon had to sit down; she shivered slightly and rubbed her arms. "Someone once told me, I would be waiting for someone, I used to dream he'd appear… Now as I sing and fight I can sense him…And I KNOW he's here!" She sighed and walked together with Lillymon into her dressing room. One little candle flared on her table, petals of ruby roses arranged in a circle around it. "Here in this room he calls me softly, somewhere inside, hiding…Somehow I know he's always with me…He the unseen genius…" Lillymon added: "Maybe a virus?" The angelic digimon slumped down onto her chair, she was really exhausted. Lillymon brought her a glass of water. "Angewomon you must have been dreaming! Stories like this can't come true! Angewomon you are talking in riddles! And it's not like you!" But Angewomon did not listen to her friend she was lost in thoughts, lost in her dreams… "Angel of Music guide and guardian, grant to me your glory!" Lillymon grew slightly worried she laid her hand onto Angewomon's forehead but she seemed not to have fever. "Who is this angel---."She was so curious about Angewomon's talent that she joined into her entreaty. "Angel of Music hide no longer! Secret and strange angel!" A cold shudder suddenly ran down the back of the to girlish digimon. "He's with me here by now… all around… it frightens me…" Angewomon suddenly said shivering. "Your hands are cold!… Your face Angewomon it's white… don't be frightened!" Lillymon thought that her friend would just behave so strange because of all the strain, from the show and so on. When she fell asleep, Lillymon carefully sneaked out of the room trying not to arouse her. She would need her sleep. Meanwhile Agumon and Gomamon congratulated themselves to their new star, as Angemon asked everyone for Angewomon's dressing room. The new directors showed him the way, with spoiled grins in their faces. Angemon could just shake his head disparaging and silently opened the door. When he saw Angewomon there half laying half sitting stroked down by her tiredness, he softly kissed her lips. "Gatomon where is your ring?" Immediately she startled and jumped up from the chair, blushing. "Oh hello…?" She was confused, not recognizing him. "You can't have lost it. After all the trouble I took. I was just rookie and soaked to the skin..." Slowly her memory came back. "Because you had run into the sea to fetch my ring. Oh, Patamon. So it is you! Angemon." He smiled at her pleasantly. "Salamon, let her mind wander! Salamon thought: Am I fonder of Puppetmons or of sweet little Piximons or shoes?" A smile appeared on Angewomon's face too, she sighed. "Oh Angemon… those picnics in the attic…" As if she wanted to say that he would still be a tall child. "Or of riddles… of Gekomons? Or of chocolate?" She closed her eyes and tried to remember… "Someone was playing the violin…" He liked to help her. "As we read to each other dark stories from the north and of Overdell…" And then Angewomon remembered something she thought to be long forgotten…"No what I love best, Salamon said, is when I am asleep in my bed and the Angel of Music sings songs in my head… " Angemon knew that little verse of her very well, he sighed. "You sang like an angel tonight!" He took her hands into his and tried to kiss her again, but she looked away, absent-minded. "Someone said… When I'm reconfigured, I will send the Angel of Music to you… I think the one who said that must have been reconfigured, Angemon… because I have been visited by the Angel of Music…" She looked at him and he smiled. "Oh no doubt of it! And now we'll go to supper!" He wanted to take her hands but she laid them onto her lap. "No Angemon, the Angel of Music is very strict!" Angemon raised an eyebrow under his helmet he thought she was fooling around like in their rookie days. "Well I shan't keep you up late!" He laughed slightly but Angewomon kept hard. "Angemon no!" She made him laugh even more, although it was a kind laugh. "You must change! I'll order my carriage, two minutes Salamon!" He kissed her hand before she could say something and rushed out of the room. "Angemon, no! Wait!" But it was to late he was already out of the room…She paced up and down, considering whether she ought to follow him or not. But what she did not know was that even if she'd decided so, she had not been able to leave… As someone had locked the door and taken the key with him… Some minutes went on and Angewomon sat on her chair regarding the candle, suddenly for no further reason it began flickering as if there was wind around… She felt slightly cold and observed; something was different…"INSOLENT BOY! This slave of fashion! Basking in your glory! Ignorant FOOL this brave young suitor! Sharing in my triumph!" There was it again this sonorous voice but different this time from before. This time the voice sounded infuriated. Angewomon looked up joyously that was what she had waited for. "Angel I hear you! Speak! I listen! Stay by my side, guide me! Angel my soul was weak, forgive me…Enter at last, master…" She fell onto her knees, her hands folded as to a prayer, tears running down from her face. "Flattering child you shall know me… See why in shadows I hide…Look at your face in the mirror! I am there INSIDE!"Angewomon opened her eyes and turned her head, indeed there was a misty shadow in her mirror. She stood up and carefully walked over to it… "Angel of Music guide and guardian, grant to me your glory! Angel of Music hide no longer, come to me strange angel!" Her fingertips were already touching the glass when the angel's enticing voice answered her prayer. "I am your Angel of Music… Come to me, Angel of Music…" Someone jogged at the door-handle, it was Angemon shouting for her, but she did not listen to HIM. "Whose is that voice? Who is that in there?" But Angewomon could hear nothing but the angel's voice it was like fog gently floating into her head covering her in darkness. "I am your Angel of Music… Come to me, Angel of Music…" From outside Angemon was banging his fists against the door, desperately bawling her name. But Angewomon could hear nothing but the angel's voice and all she saw was a dark silhouette in her mirror, coming closer to her. She did not even see the mist skulking into the room, broadening, covering everything in darkness and even smothering the little candle. And all she felt was the cold glass at her fingertips… until it vanished and instead she felt fervent hands seizing her, drawing her into the darkness… It was like flying and she knew she had left the room long ago… Uh what will happen now! Don't ask me *eg* Hosted by Animexx e.V. (