Malice Mizer little Diary von Zill (fun-fic XD) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: tagebuch közi ------------------------ Kojis evil black diary what he's not able to open without yu~kis help+ Tokyo,Japan at the 20 th of august 2006 Dear Diary..or some stuff like that.. well mana told me I should write something like that. Don't know why.... he told me if I won't you wouldn't answer.. he's sometimes a little bit strange the guy...guy..woman?guy?woman? ARGh don't know..alien...yeah ...I think he's an alien. I hope he won't ever read that because I am afraid of him since today. I mean Klaha was really mean to him.. but Mana took a chair und ... well.. i didn't see but after that klaha lies on the ground and mana said: „well... hm..nice chair...we should buy more of this stuff“ (the chair is from IKEA !! I really should buy more) well doesnÄt mater yet.BUT you see?? MANA HIT KLAHA and he fell down to the ground wihout a scream or something and we all thought he would be dead (I hoped so but in fact he isn't T_T) and Kami screamed: „hurry up!! we have to take him to the hospital!!“ but Mana groaned that he has to go and I said: „well let him die it doesn't matter“ and then Kami was really angry with me and he screamed at me and told me I shoudl die too but I told him that I wouldn't because they need me but Klaha was just... well... mh.. „KLAHA!!! I want to have something to drink!! go and get something NOW“ yeah and he went... he was our slave perhaps. So it wasn't bad that mana hit him in fact.. but then Mana looked at me really evil.. I just made a little bit fun of him and he looked at me as if he wanted to EAT ME right now!! I wanted to run away but he looked at me and looked and I really nearly started to cry T_T MANA was NEVER so MEAN TO ME T________T And now I am not able to sleep because he could come and eat me while I am sleeping.. I'll go to yu~ki now and sleep in his bed...he will beat me and hit me and bite me to go out of his bed but i won't T__T well I hope I can write you again T____T daisuki my little diary T_T I really loved you..but ..well T_T i have to go ! In love közi Hosted by Animexx e.V. (