Schmetterling im Sturm von chaoswahn (Oder: Gedichte die sich auf der Festplatte angesammelt haben) ================================================================================ Kapitel 22: My Butterflies -------------------------- You can’t pretend you aren’t hurt From all these things I’ve done and said And though we always run away from us To keep our pain remaining in ourselves We’re bound forever through our hearts You tried to kill my butterflies And with them all your fears You tried to kill my butterflies And you can’t stop the tears I can’t pretend it’s easy now Without you life is empty and black And though I know it’s far too late To get you back next to my side I’m in love with you forever You cannot kill my butterflies Not in a thousand years You cannot kill my butterflies And I can’t stop the tears And I can’t stop my tears Hosted by Animexx e.V. (